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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Global Administration >
File Manager

File Manager is used to store files that are used for below features:  

  1. POS Customer Display
  2. Replication Export Files
  3. TNA Timesheet


  1. The location of the files is "LinkWEB\App_Data\FileManager"

Steps to Upload File. .

  1. Select the root folder from list of folders in the left panel. Refer to Figure 1.
  2. Browse the file to upload.
    1. Click on the "Browse" option on the bottom right. This will open the "File Explorer ".
    2. Select the file. Users can upload multiple files at once.
  3. Click on the "Upload" option.
    1. The "Upload" command is activated after a file has been selected.
  4. Uploaded files are listed in the right panel.
  5. Add Notes and Attachments